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Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Linux Gaming Issue - Progress

So gaming sux, because of faults within the community, the game developers and the graphic card manufacturers. Start with our job I'd say?!

  • Got an Nvidia card? - tell Nvidia to start cooperative efforts on a Kernel API for closed source drivers
  • Got an ATI card? - tell ATI to improve their driver and maybe start cooperative effors on a Kernel API for closed source drivers

  • You want to play a native Half-Life? - mail Valve
  • You want to play a native Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo or WoW? - mail Blizzard
  • You want to play a native GTA? - mail Take2Games
  • You want to play a native Far Cry? - mail Crytek (developer)
  • You want to play 5 % of world markets games? - find a contact formular at

By telling them you'd like to see a port of the game XY they might get an idea of how to make money with Linux Gaming.

Last but not least, buy games which are available (and might support your daily enjoyment ;-)). I'll order Northland (really great game, though there are quite less buildings imo) and X² tomorrow.

So Linux Gaming isn't that awesome in a lot of categories, though there is mind to improve this. It might all be better if Linux would get a wider spreading on desktop. So maybe the first aim of all should be promoting the Linux Desktop?
Choose your job, everyone has to do something to get that working.

Linux Gaming isn't Crap it just needs Help!