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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Not that I changed my nick :P
But I just joined the deep fovea of Kubuntu's magic, with other words: I built an official deb.

Well, fist I built some unofficial debs, just for getting an idea, then Raphaƫl Pinson (Kubuntu MOTU) sent me a mail and asked for join the official builders, to provide somewhat useable/secure packages for the masses. So I started make the package first package be a official.


The first application I built a deb for was KBlogger, a really awesome piece of software (though a bit buggy with, as I discovered lately). Anyway, it's a easy to use kicker applet, which adds a little button, called "blog", to kicker and opens a very minimalistic blog window if you click on it. The window actually consits of a title bar a text box and a send button, that's it. Making it a deb, wasn't that easy as I though. The latest tarball was 0.4 which was bad packed due to a broken packing feature in KDevelop, so Christian Weilbach (that's the author) packed it manual, and left all "~" backups back, but dpkg - debian's packagemanager - doesn't really like those files. And since there were some other issues, like wrong makefile argument and damn wrong desktop file, I patched version 0.4, wrote a release script and Christian released 0.4.1 (which is the current version).
Think that's enough for me? No! KBlogger hasn't had a icon, so I went over to the kde-artists team and ask for anyone who wanna make a icon. But, I haven't got anyone, I've got Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) and therefore KBlogger's next version will come with an awesome looking icon in oxygen style, details are secret for now :-P

But at this point I have to thank Ken for the icon, and the work he put into it, because it took him quite some time to make such a (in my opinion) perfect icon. So:


KBlogger 0.4.1 finally now went through reviewing and has been inofficial backported to breezy by Marcus Czeslinski (czessi). Currently I'm working on the contacts menu for kicker, and for a very strange reason this package is also not very cute (not as in Qt ;-)). There is at least one file twice and something seems to be wrong with the Makefiles, though it's easier than KBlogger, because I learned a lot of stuff about basic deb packing while modifing KBlogger.

So finally I can say, most software isn't that hard to pack, because DEB in gerneral is damn easy. And as a person who knows rpm packing and deb packing, I tell you: basic RPM is a lot too complicate. Now I also see a reason why the City of Munich and the City of Vienna are using Debian with internal repos. And what DE they use, seems quite clear ;-)