Note that my blog has moved to the real apacheLog
maybe visit it? ;-)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

no SUPER of http/ftp apps?

Because I'm a happy SUPER-software user, I used to visit the SUPER page on
As I done so today, I saw a quite amazing thing:

13.10.2005: The whole openSUSE and apt network
is currently overloaded. The big demand of the
5 ISO's of SUSE and Updates available under
Susewatcher Yast Online Updates and the 1 CD
installer has brought our mirror network on its
knees. They are currently only reporting either
very slow or even as failed TCP connections. We
are all working on it as fast as the different
time zones sometimes allow.

Puh, and I already wondered why my kdemm upgrade took so long :/
So what's the reason? No SUPER versions of apache/pureftp? Too much demand? The servers names are snail1 snail2 snail3 etc.?

Why I blogged: I'm searching a private mirror of just for me ... is anyone interested? ;-)

Note: this entry wasn't meant to be interesting or serious
it should just let you know that the SUSE hype began again
and that apachelogger got up