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Friday, August 05, 2005

From Viruses, Linux-Users and FENSTERSCHÄDEN

Coz it was a bit boring at work today, I visited kaspersky and asked how many known linux-viruses (including trojan horses and worms) there are...


yup, that's not much in comparision with the 11819 for windows .. but if we think about the ads "Linux - THE SECURE SITE", then it's A LOT

so I took a deeper look: the 753 viruses are not all depending on kernel bugs, a very big amount (I havn't counted them yet) uses security holes in software which is running on linux eg. apache, mysql, php (then aka known as LAMP)

and as always when I'm doing things which I shouldn't do at work, I asked google for some more information ("some more" is apachelogger for "about 3000 websites") and I got "some more" and also some usefull ;) -->

the kernel has currently less security problems than in december, damn nice thing, isn't it? well, they also found 23 unfixed bugs more but most are not influencing the security

so, are we secure? O.o

well, I think NO, one will never be secure .. so configure your iptable and install clamav + klamav and look for an adware search'n'destroy tool (as I don't know one .. suggestions are always welcome) and don't forget to buy a router with firewall (from cisco).
you also should use software which has very few security problems, such as KDE, and of course TRUST NOBODY

also a bad sign is that MS has opened a virues development center (aka research lab), so watch the number of viruses .. it will rise very fast ... again: TURST NOBODY

a 2nd thing about MS: opengl support in vista will have 50 % lower performance, due to the new 3d api. one can get full opengl but then aeroglass won't work (and as vista has a very short featurelist, the reasons to buy it are becoming less)

so change to linux! now! you get opengl and the possability to infect you with 735 viruses! and well, we (linux-users) are probably funnier then others .. and if you read this blog very carefully you'll maybe know more about the beeing of linux-users